Induslnd Bank

client brief

IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai based Indian new generation bank, established in 1994. The bank offers commercial, transactional and electronic banking products and services. Known to be very forthcoming with its customers, IndusInd Bank makes sure it regularly communicates its new products, discounts and offers, among other updates.

Regular, focused and sometimes even seasonal communication was required by the Bank, to reach customers. We were looking at a of the bank as friendly, adaptable and convenience driven.

our approach

creative development

Although it joined the banking scene only in 1994, with its innovation and customer friendly approach, IndusInd Bank is not only become a force to reckon with, but has also positioned itself as a bank that has a solution for every issue of its customer!

From travel to shopping, trading to Insurance, IndusInd Bank required a relevant communication to reach its customers.

Professional yet simple, crisp and direct, the bank wanted to make known, that they’re all about the customers, but with a subtle reference to its services.

We conceptualised and designed a series of mailers which were not only about the message, but gave importance to every aspect in the design.

As a with nearly two decades, we are systematically focusing on delivering results and bringing measurable business growth through .

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